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Jum'at, 21 Mei 2010 14:09 WIB   Prodi Pendidikan Biologi


(Image credits: Budslife “busy”)
Sumber :  dan

(Image credits: ~jjjohn~)

Another Fly

(Image credits: kevincollins123)


And Another….

(Image credits: Pedro Moura Pinheiro)

Electron Micrograph of Fly’s Eyes

(Image credits: Shirin Pocha)


Dragonfly (Common Darter)

(Image credits: macropoulos)


Dragonfly  (Common Darter)

(Image credits: macropoulos)


Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) male

(Image credits: macropoulos)


Dragonfly (Crying?)

(Image credits: timitalia)


Face of a Southern Yellowjacket Queen (Vespula squamosa)

(Image credits: Opo Terser)


Blue Banded Bee

(Image credits: aussiegall)


A Solitary Bee’s Eye

(Image credits: kevincollins123)



(Image credits:dincordero)


Jumping Spiders Close-ups

(Image credits: Opo Terser)

(Image credits: Opo Terser)

(Image credits: Opo Terser)

(Image credits: teejaybee)

Human Eyes

(Image credits: Voj)

(Image credits: C. Young Photography)



(Image credits: Jessie Whittle)


Frog’s Eye

(Image credits: ToniVC)


Cat’s Eye

(Image credits: Marcos Teixeira de Freitas)


House Ant

(Image credits: Pedro Moura Pinheiro)


Ant Lion
